Thursday, January 13, 2005

A hymn unto our Lord and Savior, George W. Bush

From the wonderful comments at Fafblog:

I Love Thy Empire, Lord (Hymn #112)
 I love Thy Empire, Bush my Lord
 I love thy Garrison State,
 Fortress America, by whose sword, 
 Vile Heathens fall prostrate.
 I love Thy Pentagon of Pow'r.
 When I before Thee stand,
 Thou art my Rock, my Strength, my Tow'r,
 Here, have eight billion grand.
 If e'er to bless Thy hallowed Graft,
 My voice or hands deny,
 Or prophesy a Coming Draft,
 Let me in Gitmo die.
 Bush, shall my scoffing tongue design
 Thy Cabinet to abuse?
 Say Condi's dumb, Gonzo's a swine?
 My hand its skill shall lose.
 For thee O Bush, my heart beats high
 To thee my prayers ascend.
 I'll never ask thee reasons why,
 Wherefore, or to what end?
 If Torture be some ragheads' lot
 I'll know that they did evil;
 If jetplanes strafe some humble cot,
 'Tis well--they served the Devil.

Teach us to stand upon thy Word
 Not Rule of Law, or Reason;
 Give Thee our all, Give Sense the Bird,
 And let all else be Treason.

 Rev. Otho Bludge | Email | 01.10.05 - 5:07 pm | # 
And in honor of our Lord and Savior's latest coronation, the Rev. Bludge has come out with a new hymn:
Coronation Hymn for Our Blessed Sovereign
 Almighty Bush, Thy lofty Throne
 Hath Torture for its cornerstone,
 And shining bright before Thy reign
 Are boundless ways of causing pain.
 All glory unto Bush we yield,
 Thy Death Squads are our Empire's Shield;
 Although we're bogged in Quagmire bleak,
 We'll make some hapless folks to shriek.
 With Payoffs are thy Lackeys bless'd
 They kneel, they tout, at thy behest;
 They in thy light, O Bush, shall dwell;
 Let Naysay'rs be consigned to Hell.
 Thy Boot with gladness all shall lick,
 And those of Rice and Big Time Dick,
 Our slavish Tongues to Thee belong,
 For in Thy Ignorance we are Strong.
 Rev. Otho Bludge | Email | 01.12.05 - 8:53 am | # 

1 comment:

  1. George W Bush, how sweet the sound
    That saved us from Iraq
    He lied to every one of us
    So we'd back his attack.

    When we've been there 10,000 days
    Bombing cities for fun
    We've no less days to fight his war
    then we'd first begun.

    A MIGHTY GEEDUB is our God, a bulwark never failing;
    Our helper He, amid the flood of liberal ills prevailing:
    For still our peacenik foe doth seek to work us woe;
    His craft and power are great, and, armed with leftwing hate,
    On earth is not his equal.

    Did we in our own votes confide, our voting would be losing;
    Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing:
    Dost ask who that may be? The President is He;
    George W, His Name, from age to age the same,
    If God can keep him sober.

    And though this world, with Frenchmen filled, should threaten our manliness,
    We live in fear, the Court may not always give Florida to us.
    The media is grim, we tremble not for them;
    Their rage we can endure, for lo, their doom is sure,
    Our censorship shall fell them.

    GeeDub above all earthly powers, no thanks to them, abideth;
    The absolute power is ours through Bush Who with us sideth:
    Let the Bill of Rights go, those human rights also;
    they don't apply to us: in Bush we have to trust,
    His kingdom is forever.


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