Monday, April 30, 2007

Well, so much for the "moving" thingy

After Crazy Anti-Cat Lady's house, there's nothing on the market for a decent price. So guess I'll just fork over the $150 rent increase. Woe is me, except...

My boss called me in to his office with a look of concern on his face. I go "uh-oh." Well, sort of. Bottom line -- I'm not fired. In fact, I'm not only not fired, but I'm being given a significant pay increase and significant new responsibilities. Which means less blogging on my part, but (shrug). Anyhow, bottom line is that a) I'm not going to have time to do any moving, and b) money isn't any reason to move anymore. So tomorrow I'll go over to the office and sign a new lease and get my concessions for early lease renewal (a $100 Safeway gift certificate, a "free" storage locker or storage room, and a "free" carpet shampoo).

In other news, my recorder practice is coming along. I still have problem holding the low C, and I can't move up the whistle to the higher octave past a certain point without squeaking between octaves, but I'm starting to get a bit of breath control. I ordered several penny whistles today (different brands, they're so cheap there's no reason not to just go ahead and get a collection), I suspect my breath control practice on the recorder will translate well to the penny whistle. I also have a bunch of penny whistle tutorial material and song material transcribed for the penny whistle on the way. I just don't like the sound of my recorder. It sounds... plastic. Which it is. It's a Yamaha that has good reviews in a number of places, but I guess reviewers of recorders don't have very high standards. Or maybe I just don't play the right kind of music for this sound. Who knows. Anyhow, more whistles on the way, so one of them is certain to have the kind of sound I'm looking for...

- Badtux the Subdued Penguin


  1. e-Bay has wood recorders from 99 cents up.

    An alto recorder is a lot easier to play than a soprano.

  2. Oh well

    Moving is such a pain in the butt anyway

    I'll stay here until I'm dead or in a care center

    Hell, the place is paid for, it would be stupid of me to move, I just can't get anything better for what I could get out of it

    And it's enough anyway

  3. What, no mention of the fact that it's the fourth annual Mission Accomplished Day? Why do you hate America?

  4. Patience, dear Fnord. My May 1 posting was still underway. My flippers are tapping away at this keyboard as fast as they can!

    -- Badtux the Typing Penguin

  5. Congrats on the boost and the raise. So now you're worth twice as much to the company and thepy are paying you a tenth of what your worth.
    The recorder news is even better.


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