Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Practicing for a police state

Three words: War on Drugs.

Here is how it works. There is no knock on the door. Instead, a heavily armed and armored tactical assault team surrounds your home in the dead of the night while you are asleep. They cut the power and phone off, then simultaneously with stun and flash grenades smashing through your windows, officers smash through your door with a battering ram, followed by other heavily armed and armored officers. As you stumble out of your bed, blinded and deafened, said officers bring their weapons to bear upon you. If, at that time, you try to bring your own weapon to bear on them, you are dead, period.

Every day, this happens somewhere in America. The people this happens to typically are vicious and well armed criminals, far more accustomed to killing and violence than you and I, but they go down, and they go down because the tactics of police state America have been perfected. No matter how many weapons you, or I, gather in our home, we have as much chance against these tactics as the criminals they are being tested upon, because the police have the advantages of surprise, concentration, and effective body armor. All that is awaiting is the order. All that is awaiting is the order on official paper from a judge, saying to round you up for the camps.

And the police will read that order, then they will come for you. Because that order will say you are a criminal, and every policeman knows his job is to round up criminals. Police officers have spent the past forty years building up a collective culture of disdain for civilians as cops left the streets for police cars and riot gear and became heavily armed paramilitaries complete with tanks and assault weapons rather than members of the community. A police officer handed a judge's "no-knock" arrest warrant to round you up will do it. Period. And if you dare attempt to resist, you will be dead. Period. That is how it works in police state America. The mechanisms are all there. All that is lacking now is someone saying, "Begin", and setting the wheels in motion.

Hopefully that day will never come, where the word comes down. But the mechanism is in place. And, like a professional full-time standing army (which George Washington warned about as a danger to the nation), sooner or later someone will decide to use it...

- Badtux the Apocalyptic Penguin


  1. I believe all of this was foretold in Scripture:

    This is what is meant in Prescripture by The Time of Pee – it is the time foretold, when people would be judged not by works, nor by family, nor even by looks, but by their urine…

    ...They kick your door in anytime they want to. All they have to yell is ‘DRUGS!’ and your spouse is in jail, your kids are farmed out to the state, your car and house are suddenly theirs…

    ...Nobody up there is a friend of yours; nobody up there wants to see you get what you would call freedom…

    It is written in First Irrigations, Book of Urinomics 4:12: “And the Beast said: “By their pee ye shall judge them, and by thy pee ye shall be judged. And all will be divided by their pee. And in the snow shall their names be written.”

    – The Book of the Subgenius

    As true today as it was when it was written, lo those many thousands of years ago...

  2. Badtux, I say we all use phrases like "HEY, THIS IS AMERICA, YOU CAN'T DO THAT HERE!" as we go about our daily lives. Directed in no particular direction and at nobody in particular. Maybe get that gas mask you've been putting off buying?
    I plan on staying out late before the curfews start.

    MoMu---the curfew breaking Mule.

  3. It goes on all the time. Read Radley Balko on Corey May. He shot one of the police and killed him. He's in jail for murder now.

    A woman over 80 was killed by these facists. People are being evilly invaded all over the country.

    The "war on drugs" has a lot of civilian casualties. I say, let addicts kill themselves legally.


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