Saturday, August 22, 2009

He likes it!

Heard splashing from the kitchen so *very* carefully went to see who was splashing. TMF was sitting next to my chair so it wasn't him. Instead, it was...

Mencken. Who hates everything. Who was lapping at the falling water from the Drinkwell Platinum fountain as if it were the tastiest thing ever, instead of drinking from the bowl like a normal cat.

That was an expensive dadburned fountain, but worth every penny.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Sort of makes you wonder who domesticated who, doesn't it?

  2. dunno about the drinkwell yet ... but i can report that ll the felines at the news writer's house love the furminater, even the very hyper Ankle Biting Kitten, although she is too hyper to be still long enough for the full effect. BGC and BFC, however, drool over it. Thanks, BadTux and TMF and Mencken!

  3. There are women and children on this rock that would gladly drink almost any water out of almost anything.

  4. Wok, we all know who the boss is in this house. With the sole exception of their yearly vet visit, what the boys want, the boys get. It makes this penguin servant happy to make his masters happy.

    -- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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