Monday, August 10, 2009

Epic fail

Caribou Barbie (Sarah Failin) states that if we had government-run healthcare like England, it would exterminate handicapped people. Like... uhm...

Stephen Hawking?

Yes, THE Stephen Hawking. Born England in a British Public Health Service hospital, receives his healthcare in a British Public Health Service hospital, and doesn't seem to have been exterminated.

In the meantime, the Kaiser Heath Foundation decided to test the theory that people do not know that Medicare is single-payer health insurance They asked half their poll sample, "Do you support extending Medicare to all Americans?" and 58% said "Yes." They then asked the other half, "Do you support a single-payer health insurance plan for all Americans?" and only 51% said "Yes." Read the wordings of the questions. Both suggest exactly the same health care plan! But use of the word "Medicare" automatically gets a 7% boost in the poll? WTF?!

Here. Have some gratuitous kitty porn. You need all the brain bleach you can get after encountering such a black hole of intellectual stupidity. The stupidity, it burns, it burns!

-- Badtux the "We're being beaten by these morons?!" Penguin

And for Sarah Palin and the American people as a whole: A song!


  1. It is my opinion that a good health care plan has to be built a little at a time instead of all at once. After they get done fighting about it all it's just going to be a big mess and too costly to the taxpayers. We known the rich are not going to pay for it.

    I bought a cell phone.
    Got my land line number transfered to it because I'm dumping Qwest. Cell phones make me look like an idiot, I can't even figure out how to enter contacts in it. The instruction books suck and are of little help, and the print is too small. Cell phones should come with a DVD so you can watch an instructor showing you how to do things on one so that it doesn't take you hours trying to learn how to use it's features. Someone should be able to make some decent money selling DVD's showing others how to use them, I'd buy one being as I seem to be too frigging stupid to figure out how to use one.

    I guess you have to be a special kind of stupid to be able to rebuild an automatic transmission and use computers and not be able to figure out how to use a cell phone. There's more damn buttons on it than you can shake a stick at and pushing the wrong one just screws thing up.

  2. BBC, the current HR3200 is a modest change to the current system. It ends the discriminatory policies of insurance companies and provides a subsidy so lower-middle-class people can afford to buy insurance. 95% of people will see no change at all because they have employer-provided insurance or Medicare or Medicaid and HR3200 doesn't touch those. In short, the only reason the Rethugs are going gonzo is because they see a chance to lie about Democrats, not because they'd oppose HR3200 if it had been proposed by Republicans.

    Personally I would prefer that we went to Medicare For All -- we know Medicare works, our old people above age 65 live longer than any other nation's (the reason our lifespan is shorter is because so many don't make it to age 65) and the cost of Medicare has grown at only 2/3rds the rate of the cost of private health insurance -- but that isn't what HR3200 proposes. Sigh!

    -- Badtux the Healthcare Penguin

  3. Watching the news lately makes me nauseated. It is so rife with wrong-minded idiocy that I think asteroids will be drawn into the vacume.

  4. LOVE YOUR BLOG! Here's a poem a friend sent me:
    What Republicans Say….

    What Republicans say:
    “Family values”
    What they mean:
    “I value my family; to hell with yours.”

    What Republicans say:
    “Personal responsibility”
    What they mean:
    “Rich people are responsible; if you’re poor, it must be because you’re irresponsible.”

    What Republicans say:
    “Fiscal responsibility”
    What they mean:
    “Obliterating the budget with war and tax breaks”

    What Republicans say:
    “Fair and balanced”
    What they mean:
    “Biased in my favor”

    What Republicans say:
    What they mean:
    “Human life is valuable and ought to be protected before birth (unless it’s in China, because, after all, we like our Walmart crap to be really cheap); after that, it’s your own damn problem. Unless you’re terminally ill and want to die; then you have to live. Oh, and except if you commit a crime, even if you’re not yet of legal age. Then it’s death for you.”

    What Republicans say:
    “Spreading Democracy”
    What they mean:

    What Republicans say:
    “Our allies abroad”
    What they mean:
    “Communist China (the West’s great-big sweat shop which has reportedly forced women into abortions) and Saudi Arabia, an Islamic Monarchy”

    What Republicans say:
    “Border security”
    What they mean:
    “We need to find a way to allow just enough Mexican pseudo-slaves in here without giving them any sort of legal status.”

    What Republicans say about healthcare:
    “Protecting choice and freedom”
    What they mean:
    “Protecting my choice and freedom to make sure you’re denied care.”


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WARNING: You are entitled to create your own arguments, but you are NOT entitled to create your own facts. If you spew scientific denialism, or insist that the sky is purple, or otherwise insist that your made-up universe of pink unicorns and cotton candy trees is "real", well -- expect the banhammer.

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