Thursday, March 26, 2009

Run away! Run away!

Well, you've heard about the Boston Pee Party, and the Boston Pee Party #2. But this one could only happen in a Monty Python movie -- or in London, England. Turns out that the bomb squad was called out in East London because a streets worker discovered the item to the left in a street drain (undoubtedly washed into it during a downpour), saw the word 'grenade', and... well. You know the rest.

It is unclear whether there are any killer rabbits involved in this story, but given the details, it seems unlikely.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Monty Python strikes again!

    Word Verification: tring...sounds like the name of one of Moosebreath's kids.


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