Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Predict the size of the "Diebold Bounce"

Yes, it's election day, though I voted two weeks ago (via paper absentee ballot) so I get to stay at work. Just curious: how big do you think the Diebold Bounce will be today? Will the Republicans gain 3%, 5%, 7% from the Diebold Bounce?

Meanwhile, I'm going to be boning up on my Spanish... como se dice, "expatriate" en espanol?

-- Badtux the Bouncy Penguin


  1. Oh, I'm guessing 5 percent. Any more and it'd be too obvious. Any less and some Democrats might win important races.

    Of course, on the other side of the issue is the fact that people are majorly POed at the Republicans and their "Stay the course" mentality, so even a 5 percent bonus may not make much difference.

    All I can say is that things should be interesting in another couple of years when the pendulum has swung back the other way.

    Meanwhile, I'm practicing my Canadianish. Eh? :*)


  2. Just to be fair, I think this election
    diebold should cheat for us. I mean come on, when's our turn coming?

    I'm in training to become a Kiwi if this thing goes down the shit-er

  3. Expatriat en Español? Dice «I pick vegetables y fruit, por favor señor» o si tienes tatas, dice «Laundry extra, señora»


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