Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Democracy in America: It'd be a good idea

40% of Californians voted via absentee ballot this year. I'm one of them. Breaking away from work to find my polling place, stand in line, yada yada yada... who needs that hassle?

Democrats want people to vote and pass laws making it easy to vote. Republicans pass laws discouraging people from voting and indeed the most widely syndicated Republican comic strip author (Bruce Tinsley) has spent the last week encouraging people NOT to vote. So who really believes in democracy? (Hint: It ain't Republicans!).

Personally, I think we ought to just do the whole purple finger thing and just let anybody vote who shows up at the polling place. Fuck all this voter registration shit. If you're in America, you get to vote, because that's what democracy is all about. But what's good enough for Afghanistan and Iraq is, apparently, not good enough for the good ole U.S. of A... we gotta make sure all our voters are numbered and classified and that only "our" kind of people vote (not "those" kind of people... you know, THOSE people wink wink?) and so forth...

Democracy in America. It'd be a good idea.

-- Badtux the Votin' Penguin


  1. Hum, interesting thoughts. As long as they are also in the system and paying taxes and such?

  2. Uhm, if you live in the United States, you pay taxes. You can't avoid it. Every time you go to the grocery store, you pay taxes. Every time you pay the rent, you pay taxes. Etc.

    So let's take the "pay taxes" off the table. How's about this: If you live in the United States, and are old enough that you're not an obvious child, you can vote. Democracy in America. It'd be a great idea.

    - Badtux the Democratic Penguin

  3. Then we'd have FELONS voting! Gasp!



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