Saturday, November 04, 2006


I have a rule: I don't watch movies in theatres. Sorry, sticky floors, screaming children, cell-phone-yakkin' morons, and the woman with the beehive hairdo who seems to always find the seat right in front of me just don't do it for me.

Last time I broke this rule was for Fahrenheit 9/11. That was an interesting experience. But I'm getting the urge to break this rule again for the Borat movie. Pretty much all the reviewers agree that it's the funniest thing they've seen in a long time -- and wickedly snarky about the state of American culture.

Question: Should I?

-- Badtux the Inquisitive Penguin

Bumped to keep it on top.


  1. Evil Spock will postpone sexy time for Borat.

  2. No.

    Funny movie. Political satire. Brother of leading light in Asperger Syndrome analysis.

    Not enough to get over the sticky floor.

  3. YouTube has Borat clips, go there first, and see if you like the character. Can't hurt can it?

  4. nope - according to IMDB -- the people are laughing so hard and loud in the theater that you miss what's going up on the screen

    better to watch it at home when you can re-wind....

    invite friends over to simulate the theatre

  5. Nope, not worth the crowds. Would rather watch at home. I recommend a late showing of Happy Feet on the 17th.

  6. How ever you see, we expect a report.

  7. i love cohen, and borat, but i am conflicted over whether or not this would be something that is enhanced by the theater experience. i mean, it wouldn't mean anything extra even in Imax. i will probably end up waiting for the Netflix (unless, of course, some wonderful girly type thing kidnaps me and forces me, quit laughing it could happen)

  8. I plan on waiting a week or so, till the crowds thin out a bit. Then, I will go -- I can't wait till it comes out on DVD!


  9. I really want to see this now, but I'd rather watch it at home with a few friends in the correct state of mind.

  10. Sure, why not? The theatre plays the track so damn loud you should be able to hear over the crowds and cell phones. The person sitting next to you, sneezing and not covering his/her face, probably isn't contagious.

  11. I'm going to pass on seeing it in a theater. While I don't mind the sticky children and screaming floor (huh?) [1], I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable laughing at the guy, especially in a public setting like a theater. Perhaps it's because I can sympathize with him about being in a strange culture. And, besides, it's not polite to laugh at people.

    I'm not a big theater-goer, either, but I did see "Flags of Our Fathers" last week, and it was interesting, if somewhat gruesome. It provided a disturbing reflection on American culture.

    [1] The children I can mostly excuse (since it's really the parent's fault!), and the floor I don't mind (since I'm used to walking through barns). What I find exceptionally objectionable are cell phones, especially those that play a cute little melody at the most inappropriate time, or those that have a huge glaring light while trying to watch a dark movie scene.



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