Monday, November 06, 2006

Death Vengeance

So now Saddam Hussein has been condemned to die. No tears for Saddam here. But it does raise the question: What's the point?

It's not as if killing Saddam is going to bring back any of his victims, after all. It's not going to protect any future victims from Saddam either. That would be quite well taken care of by simply putting him into a new version of the Spandau Prison somewhere outside of Iraq for the remainder of his natural life (which is not likely to be long anyhow). So what's the point?

Well, that's clear. The point of the death penalty is vengeance. Period. Otherwise Death Row prisoners would not be on automatic suicide watch (can't have the prisoners off themselves and deny us our petty vengeance, after all!). And the Bible is pretty clear on vengeance -- it be agin' it. "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord" and all that jazz, y'know.

And death by hanging is especially vengeful, its whole point being cruelty and vengeance. Yet the right-wing psychos insist it's a great thing for someone like Saddam, despite the fact that it's vengeance, not necessity. I suspect these psychos claim to be Christian. Pathetic. Simply pathetic. Anybody who claims to follow a certain philosophy, yet so obviously has never read the holy book of said philosophy, is... hmm... how shall I put it? Deluded? Demented? Word just ain't comin' to me...

Now, there's one more argument used in support of the death penalty: That it would have some sort of "deterrent effect", i.e., prevent other people from committing crimes. Let's put an end to that one altogether. Texas, Florida, and Louisiana are among the leaders nationwide in executions -- and lead the nation in murders per 100,000 people. Meanwhile, that "sinful" state of Massachusetts, with no death penalty, has close to the lowest murder rate in the nation. If you look through the list in the Uniform Crime Report of cities with populations over 10 thousand, you rarely see a city in Mississippi or Texas without at least one murder. The large majority of cities in Massachusetts have no murders. Anybody who thinks the death penalty deters murder is either an ignorant fool too stupid to look up the actual numbers, or a liar. Or willfully ignorant, just pulling bullshit out of his ass in order to justify vengeance.

And the notion that hanging someone like Saddam is going to ddeter some other evil dictator from offing his own people... well, that one doesn't even pass the laugh test. I mean, c'mon. That whole "Evil Dictator" thing just sorta requires offing bunches of your own people... somehow I doubt that any evil dictators elsewhere are going to lose sleep because Saddam is hanging from a tree in the middle of Baghdad! I mean, c'mon. can you see Kim Jong-Il losing any sleep because Saddam is getting hung? No? Didn't think so...

So it's clear. Hanging Saddam isn't Christian, and all those people gloating over how Saddam is going to be hung aren't Christians. If they claim to be Christians, they're lying. Perhaps, most importantly, to themselves. Somehow I suspect they'll get a real awakening when they close their eyes the last time and get a whiff of the brimstone awaiting them...

-Badtux the non-vengeful Penguin

Cross-posted over at the Mockingbird's place


  1. i think...oh here i go thinking again - grin

    that they should allow suddam out on the streets and let his fellow citizens take care of his fate

    as it seems that you don't live very long on a typical iraqi street now-a-days...especially if you are an iraqi

  2. Well, I'm not a Christian, but repeals will go on for years I suspect.

    Can voting machines be tampered with? According to the How Stuff Works site they sure can.

  3. You bring up an interesting point about "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord". If that were true, why do we need to be the ones to exact it? My dad is very religious and constantly quotes the "if a man shed blood, by man so shall his blood be shed" verse to me every time we talk about the death penalty. Those two verses seem to contradict each other. I'm not completely against the death penalty. My only caveat is that the evidence against someone be 100% accurate 100% of the time. Otherwise, no death penalty.

  4. Damn, I think like a penguin! No wonder I love fish.

    But I was thinking the same thing about the death penalty today. It is vengance killing.

  5. The death penalty is wrong in so many ways. And, gee whiz, we get to vote on reinstating it in Wisconsin today.


  6. Exactly. Well said. Death Penalty is not a Penalty, it is revenge. Revenge is evil.

    Having a Jewish mother, I have no pity for Saddam, he has been an anti-sematic madman. I wish him long imprisoned life, surrounded by his enemies, always having to look over his shoulder, with no peace or conveniences of modern life. I want him to be punished for his crimes. Putting him to death will release him from punishment (in this world, at least)

    I know people who are Pro-Lifers, yet for the Death Penalty. How does that make sense?

    One last thing, Bible Quotes are useless. Any point can be contradicted by another Bible quote.

  7. I'll be voting against it today, mixter. By the way, what part of WI are you in? I'm here in Milwaukee.

    Nick (mem beth), I completely agree with you about the bible quotes. That's why I don't use them to illustrate my point about anything. As I've grown older and hopefully wiser, I find myself moving further and further from the church. Or at least what the church has become.

  8. I've never been able to wrap my mind around the death penalty.

  9. In this particular situation, the death penalty serves another purpose besides just revenge, one which no one here has mentioned yet: To Elect Republicans.

    Saddam's sentencing was originally scheduled for October 16th. Then they postponed it - until two days before the election. Gee, wonder why that could be?

  10. I'm not real sure they should be putting him to death. One of the few ways to clean up the mess Bush has made may be to reinstate him to power. :-(



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