Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's official: Google is a terrorist organization!

At least, that's what World Nut Daily tells me. They solemnly inform me that: Google hates America's veterans but loves Canada's, Britain's, and Australia's veterans. Google employees donate money to evil terrorists like Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and Hilary Clinton who want to KILL US ALL! Google accepts ads pointing out that Tom Delay accepted bribes, but won't accept World Nut Daily's ads pointing out that Nancy Pelosi eats raw babies when she isn't defecating upon flags!

It's clear, we must all quit using Google RIGHT THIS MOMENT or... or... THE TERRORISTS WIN!

Hold on, Blogger is owned by Google? Err, never mind... -- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. I've been having some funny 'feelings' lately about google. They don't seem to be putting the AP news up as quickly as in the past. I would ALWAYS be able to search goog and find the same AP story that would be on my e-mail home page. Now, it's not up until MUCH later.

  2. Wait a minute. I just saw on CNN that "Dear Leader" uses Goggle. He likes to see satelite images of his ranch on that Google map thingy.

    Does that mean he's a "Terrorist", well, well, well. Everything seems to be falling into place.

    Where would I be without Google? Instant answers to anything, shoot they will even coreect yuor bad spelling for you, I need that. They are becoming my brain, as age decays my present one. Maybe I can get a Google implant soon. ;-)

  3. Whoa, so I'm not the only person who uses Google as a speling corector! (Type "speling" into Google. Or "corector").

  4. Dear me... I just found the most interesting children's book on World Nut Daily. You'll have to come and look!

    What a bunch of freakin' freaks! Google = Satan!



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