Wednesday, November 01, 2006

John who?

My newspaper tells me that I'm supposed to care about what some dude named "John Kerry" says. Why? Why is anybody paying any attention to this LOSER anyhow??? He promised to fight for the Presidency, then broke his promise. Frankly, I don't have the time of day for chickenshits like that.

- Badtux the "I'd rather pay attention to winners" Penguin


  1. LOL, John who is right. When I first heard this story on the radio, I thought they were talking about Jim Carey. Why would they care what this celebrity thinks? Later, I read the news on-line and it showed a picture, oh! that Kerry. I'm glad I didn't open my mouth.

  2. A person might want to care if only to see how far the process will go whereby the Repubs will seize on something like this and blow it into huge proportions in the last days before the elections, in order to get the minds of foolish voters off the issues that really matter, such as the Iraq Occupation and the many other iniquities of the Repubs in power.

  3. This year Kerry has indicated he's considering another run for the presidency. He was asked why he thinks he might be successful in 2008.

    "Because I know how to win", was Kerry's response.

    Imagine if you're a Dem Senatorial candidate in, say, Missouri, Virginia or Tennessee. It's nip-and-tuck down to the wire. Millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours have been spent, and then, in the final days when you need to close the deal, all of a sudden you have the media asking about your response to Kerry's botched joke.


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