Sunday, January 01, 2012

The Punishment

The kittehs apparently didn't like me leaving them alone for a week.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. They who must never be left unentertained.

  2. Are you implying that my sole purpose for existence is to entertain the kittehs? Harumph!

    - Badtux the Suspicious Penguin

  3. BadTux, How the hell did they get the chair in there?

  4. I put the chair in there to make it easier for them to get up onto the vanity, I left the faucet slowly dripping into a small bowl so that they would have fresh water while I was away. Same deal in the kitchen, BTW. The chair was flush with the vanity when I left. They didn't manage to knock it over, but they certainly knocked it askew!

    - Badtux the Back-home Penguin

  5. Badtux, not at all! Clearly your purpose for existence is not limited to entertaining the cats. I mean, you also have to feed them and provide them with a roof over their heads and comfortable places to sleep ;)

  6. Well, thanks for letting me know my place in the universe ;).

    - Badtux the Humbled Penguin

  7. As it has been said before: "Dogs have owners, Cats have staff".

  8. and did they ignore you (ie, "punish you") for a while upon your return? Mine do, even if I've left a radio on for them! (years ago my ma told me to leave a radio on for "company")

  9. Rookie.

    When i was a wee young Ornery Bastard my Grandparents would take off from the West coast, you could hear the waves breaking, be gone for A MONTH, and come back to the fattest cat you wanted to see, laying in the middle of a damn near empty, fifty pound bag of cat food.

    They left the window open in the laundry room and there was a fresh water ditch going all the way around three corners of the place.
    The cat probably weighed eight pounds when we left and well over twenty when we got back.
    They did that every year.

  10. The cats had no problem with either food or water, the faucets dripping had both water bowls full when I got home and the automatic cat feeder that drops their daily ration was still half full (and I made sure it had fresh batteries before leaving). I presume the cat door thing was so the cat could go outside to relieve itself. That's the real limit to me leaving the cats alone, after 9 days their litter box is rather.... rather.

    - Badtux the "Peee-yooo!" Penguin

  11. No piss all over the house to indicate displeasure?

  12. Bukko, my boys are very habituated to digging around in a cat box to go potty, and aren't going to change that habit just because they want to tick me off. Instead, they're just overly clingy at the moment, crawling all over me when I go to bed, and draping themselves all over the computer desk when I'm trying to type...

    -- Badtux the Cat-smothered Penguin

  13. And you should be a cat-smothered penguin, leaving them alone for a week.

    We took ours on vacation with us for a week. They hate the drive in their cat carriers (5 hours) and Rocky inevitably pukes at high elevation, so we carry extra towels and wipes. They still haven't accepted the vacation house as home, despite being dragged up there some five or six times now. But they love watching the bunnies and quail from the window. They aren't sure what to make of the deer. And they delight in the Fancy Feast wet food that I only feed them when we're on vacation...

  14. They were just having fun, not punishing you :)


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