Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sexy tape

"Tape Song", by The Kills, off of their album "Midnight Boom". This duo is somewhat minimalist -- a drum machine and a couple of guitars. They were going to make a synth album, but the dude's synth broke right before they were supposed to record, so they made it a guitar album instead. When life gives you lemons... heh.

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. ...Time ain’t gonna cure you
    Honey, time don’t give a shit
    Time ain’t gonna cure you
    Honey, time’s just gonna hit on you

    I said, “Time ain’t gonna cure you
    Honey, time don’t give a shit”
    Time ain’t gonna cure you
    Honey, time’s just gonna hit on you

    You’ve got to
    You’ve got to go straight ahead
    You’ve got to
    You’ve got to go straight ahead..

    yeah... they rock alright

  2. I like where VV manages to lose her hat, then drop-kicks it back into the gear behind the stage to keep Hotel from slipping and falling on it ;).

  3. they choose guitars with a lot of buttons and knobs too.... i like that...

  4. Note that Hotel is tapping to create that riff at the beginning. Thus the reason why the video of Kaki King doing one of her tapping songs leads into The Kills, just as a song by lesbian twins led into a song by a lesbian guitar goddess. Odd how those connections get made, hmm? :).


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