Saturday, May 02, 2009

Pete Seeger: 90 years old

Pete Seeger will be 90 years old tomorrow. It seems like he has been around forever? Well, that's because he has been around forever. A man who was singing a song for freedom before most of us on this blog were even born is still singing.

Happy birthday, Pete. And if the banjo playing is shot and the voice barely is there, well, you have an excuse. All those who do not take up the guitar or banjo and sing a song of freedom... they have no excuse at all.

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. He's the main reason I just had to have a guitar and play in a hootenanny group at 12 years old.

    Happy Birthday, Pete. Long may you wave.

    Thanks for the remembrance, BT.

    All those who do not take up the guitar or banjo and sing a song of freedom... they have no excuse at all.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Gee Whiz 90 ? Man must really have some aches and pain , bad enough at 55 ! I grew up with music like Mr. Seeger and some others too . Nice to see he is still alive , unlike some of my other musical heroes .
    an awed w3ski

  4. PS Thanks for pulling the ad , it was tacky !

  5. at the big concert last night bruce springsteen said

    "Pete Seeger is like your grandpa if your grandpa could kick your ass."


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