Thursday, May 25, 2006

Reminder: Major holiday coming up

A a major worldwide holiday happens *TODAY*, May 25! Yes, it is Towel Day. Except for those nutcases for which it is End of World Day. I will keep watching the skies for Vogon constructor fleets or rogue asteroids.

So long for now, and thanks for all the fish!

-- Badtux the Fish-eating Penguin


  1. End of World Day is this Thursday? Hardly! I'm pretty sure that, if the day when the One True Nixon returns to open his Million Pound Can of Cosmic Whoop-Ass on the Earth and induce Bowl-Loosening Earthquakes of Terror in the Unsaved were at hand, I'd have been notified.

    Oh, it's just some dude raving about a comet. Man, some people are just nuts.

  2. Of course, it could always be a Vogon construction crew come to build an intergalactic bypass. Just sayin', y'know? Just in case, bring a towel!


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