Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday Mighty Hunter Blogging

Last week, I mentioned about how cats in the wild were unusual amongst domesticated animals in being able to bring down prey by themselves and survive in the wild. As proof, I showed photos of the Mighty Hunter Fang(tm) bringing down some really big prey in his natural environment: A refrigerator, and a rotund blogger.

Today, the mighty hunter Fang brings down some even bigger prey. Well, sort of.

I don't like the way you're looking at me!

Fang attacks!


The wall fights back:

But the mighty Fang prevails in the end:
Having vanquished that enemy, the mighty hunter Fang uncovers a new enemy: His paw.
You! Yeah you! Whatcha lookin' at, Willis?!

Meanwhile, the World's Laziest Cat (sleeps 23.9 hours per day, eats and poops the other .1 hours per day) looks on. Or doesn't, rather.

Yawn. Who cares?

And that is the end of today's Friday Mighty Hunter Blogging starring Fang!

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Mighty Hunter Fang is Bringin' Down The House!

    heh heh..

  2. Go, Fang
    Go, Fang
    Get yer wall on....


    Sorry. I have no idea where that came from.

  3. Yeah. Still can't figure out what he had against that wall! Posted these pics 2 timezones from where they were taken, btw. GPRS rocks! (I am between Alexandria and Opelousas LA at the moment).

    -- Badtux the Mobile Penguin

  4. Remember, dogs have owners - cats have staff.

  5. Awesome pictures.... :)

    Cats are just so cool. I have a siamese that does much the same thing. Cracks me up.


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