Sunday, May 07, 2006

Grr... *what* payraise?!

Been looking for new digs to park my iceberg in. *EVERYBODY* has gone up by an outrageous amount. By an amount that is precisely how much more money I'm making now as vs. 2 years ago. SQUAWKSQUAWKSQUAWK! Payraise? What payraise?!

@%@#~! Bush economy. I guess most people are doing pretty well in the Bush Economy. As long as you define "most people" as being "the top 2% of taxpayers". As someone who's "only" in the top 10% of taxpayers... well, let's just say that my iceberg is floatin' mighty low.

Of course, if I didn't require very special digs (with air conditioning to keep my iceberg cool, a garage to park it in, etc.), I might be able to get away with something cheaper. But what's a penguin without an iceberg?!

- BadTux the "What payraise?" Penguin

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