Saturday, May 20, 2006

I am a neo-Nazi Jew hater

Now that we've discovered that, uhm, the purported Nazi-like scheme of the Iranians to make all Jews wear yellow stars was actually a fraud -- hey, did you know that Iran has a Jewish member of parliament? -- the heat is on to find some other way to convince the world that Iran = Hitler. I dunno, maybe Mossad can float something on World Nut Daily that the President of Iran is making dresses from the skin of Jews or somethin', what the hey, it doesn't have to make sense, does it?

Meanwhile, on a more personal note, I am pleased to note that Badtux = Hitler. And I want to exterminate all Jews. I know this is true because I read it on the Internets. After all, anybody who points out unpleasant little facts like the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948, the abysmal treatment of Palestinians in the current Occupied Territories, the fact that Israel's economy is trashed because it spend twice as much on its armed forces as all the rest of the Middle East combined yet is surrounded by nations that have no desire to invade Israel anymore, etc., well, obviously any such person hates Jews and wants to exterminate them. I know this is true because I read it on the Internets -- interestingly, on the blog of a woman who explicitly posted that she hates me.

Now, I haven't quite figured out why she hates me, other than the fact that, according to her, I am a neo-Nazi jew hater, but that's irrelevant anyhow. I'm sure her hate just makes her feel, like, so good when she wakes up in the morning and steps in the shower and starts counting off things in her head, "Hmm, who am I going to hate today?". Hate is, like, just so productive, y'know? Why bother adding something to the world when hey, you can hate instead, and some day die a bitter and lonely death happy in that you've added hate to the world rather than love?

Now that I know, thanks to the wonders of the Internet, that I am a neo-Nazi Jew hater, I guess I gotta trade in my preaching of all this "tolerance" and "love" and "peace" stuff for some jackboots and start reading Mein Kampf, which apparently I follow even though I've never read it. At least, that's what the Internets say.

Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the "Surprised to Find Out He's a Neo-Nazi" Penguin

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