Friday, May 26, 2006

Dear Leader admits mistakes

Dear Leader had a little speachy on Iraq a couple of days ago. He said that everything is going all peachy-keen and like, but things had gotten kinda harder lately 'cause he'd made a couple leetle teensy mistakes, like being a bit too blustery at times, and letting that Abu Ghraib thingy get out instead of seizing the presses and the CBS tape for 60 Minutes before they could transmit about it. But never fear, Dear Leader has a plan for victory in Iraq, although he can't tell it to us because it's, like, really seecrit and stuff, y'know? It'll just take a little longer, but that's okay, because USA! USA! USA!

Boy, Dear Leader's little speechy thingy sure made me feel better about Dear Leader. Yay! USA!

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

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