Monday, May 15, 2006

How would we know?

How would we know that repression has begun?

The so-called "War on Drugs" has been a practice runup for how it will be done. Middle of the night. Front door slams down. A dozen police officers in full body armor with guns out rush in right behind the flash-bang that comes smashing through your bedroom window and wakes you up and blinds you. You stumble out of bed and grab your shotgun, just in time to die in a hail of bullets.

This is not science fiction. This happens dozens of times a week all over the United States of America. Most of the people it happens to are far more prepared for violence than you or I are, engage in violence all the time as part of their, err, pharmaceuticals sales territory protection strategy. What chance do you think you or I have against a dozen cops who come in at 3am at night and do a smash-and-grab because they've been told we're dangerous terrorists who hate America and want to kill their babies?

And the hilarious thing is, after you die, your neighbors will all tut-tut and say, "Gosh, I knew that dude was some kinda crazy violent gun nut," and go about their business, secure in their righteous belief that it could not happen to them.

That's how it plays out, all over the nation, a dozen times per week. A dozen times per week this scenario plays out. The bodies pile up, but nobody notices, or cares, because the bodies are the bodies of "drug dealers" or "gang bangers" or "gun nuts" or etc., not good upstanding Americans. We know they are the bodies of "drug dealers" or "gang bangers" or "militia fanatics" because that is what we are told by our leaders, via their transcriptionists, our "news" media. Just as we know that these two brothers who ambushed cops who came to take them away were dangerous fanatics, rather than whistleblowers who uncovered corruption at Oak Ridge National Labs and were harassed until death by the powers that be. And if they were not... how would we know? Via the same news media that solomnly intoned that Iraq was brimming, brimming I say, with Weapons of Mass Destruction? Yeah right...



  1. it happened to a good friend of mine who was growing pot in a hydroponics lab in his basement.

    his wife and kids were scared shitless.


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