Saturday, September 10, 2005

Paperwork is more important than lives

Today on the radio I heard a Bush administration offical (I believe it was Homeland Security Director Chertoff) somberly intone that he would have loved to send help to those thousands of starving, dying people in the Superdome and Convention Center, but you know, he just couldn't do it. Because he did not have the proper paperwork from Governor Blanco requesting that he do so (apparently this paperwork from August 27 wasn't the right paperwork, guess the proper t's weren't crossed or something). He somberly intoned that until Governor Blanco got the proper paperwork to him on that Thursday, he just couldn't act to save those lives because, well, he didn't have the proper paperwork.

Remember, paperwork is more important than people's lives. When people are dying, the first thing you should always do is make sure you have the proper paperwork in hand before taking action. Then, and only then, can you act to save lives, even if it takes four days while people are dying for lack of food and water.

Well, at least that, apparently, is how a Bush administration official thinks. Now me, I know that if I see someone dying, I'm not going to give a **** about paperwork, I'm going to do whatever is in my power to save that person's life. But then, that's why I'm a penguin instead of a Bush administration official -- because I actually give a shit about people's lives.

Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. These f**ktards aren't getting past the pearly gates because the paperwork to enter will take an eternity.

    But...then again, I think that where they're going, a little more "south" and "hot" won't have that pesky paperwork problem.


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