Tanish the Wolf talks about a major differentiating characteristic between left-wing bloggers and right-wing bloggers. Lefties' blogs are filled with frustration, resentment, and humor, he says. While right-wing blogs express only one thing: pure, unfettered rage.
But of course, that is not surprising. In reality, human characteristics such as logic, reason, hope, charity, caring are rather recently evolved, and sit uneasily atop the psyche of what was, until maybe 15,000 years ago, just a bunch of jumped-up monkeys with delusions of grandeur. All those old monkey instincts are still there -- the instinct to divide the world into "us" (our tribe of monkeys) and "them" (some other tribe of monkeys, which is to be hated and derided as a threat to our tribe's prosperity). The instinct to hoot and howl and throw feces at any monkey not a member of our tribe. The instinct to follow an alpha male everywhere, regardless of what he does. All those instincts are still there in the human animal, and the human animal still tends to devolve to those old instincts whenever placed in a position of fear.
And fear is, of course, what the right wing hate machine is all about -- inducing fear in its victims, in order to devolve them back to their monkey instincts and away from that awful "thought" and "peace" and "hope" stuff. Peace and prosperity are despised by the right wing hate mongers because they lead to people loving each other and living in peace and harmony. Thus they continually push fear, rage, hate, relish the thought of war, continually do their best to destroy prosperity for the majority because prosperity threatens the very core of their power, the ability to devolve millions of two-legged primates into monkeys willing to follow whatever alpha male the hate-mongers have propped up today.
This is, of course, toxic to the civilized discourse necessary for democracy. But civilized discourse is not what the right wing wants. Hate, fear, and rage is what they want. For only by devolving human beings into monkeys can they retain power.
- Badtux the Non-primate Penguin
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