Thursday, August 18, 2005

The return of Thursday Gay Penguin Porn Blogging!

Okay. We have two male penguins. Doing child care. KISSING. Obviously did not get the memo. (Not to be confused with the OTHER memo or, worse yet, the Red Lobster memo).

In other issues: WTF is up with my schedule, you say? Well, look over in the right margin. See, it says "Libertarian penguin hacking operating systems in the South Pacific". Hacking operating systems is sort of like the computer equivalent of brain surgery... from time to time, there are periods of intense activity where thinking about anything other than surgically altering the brains of a computer is utterly out of the question. Usually this is around the time that management declares a "code freeze". So at the beginning of this month, I had a couple of brilliant weeks. This week, I mostly didn't have time to do anything at all. I'm curious: should I simply declare that at the beginning of the week? "Hi, I'm not going to say much this week, why don't you just come back next week"... hmm, would you? B.F. Skinner says no, says that an erratic reinforcement schedule is best, but people aren't pigeons. Or are they?

-- Badtux the Porn-peddlin' Penguin


  1. Are people pigeons? dunno, but if someone stops posting, esp someone who posts frequently, I just get worried for them. I would keep pinging, for a few 2-3 weeks, less & less frequently, until I finally stop checking, or the address is taken over by someone else - see - who knows what's happened to them?? I don't, but it's not what it used to be...

  2. The Thursday Daily Show had some Penguin on Man porn in their moment of Zen, coincidentally while I was reading your blog but it happened so fast I didn't have time to get any video caps, maybe next week there will be a repeat

  3. I do like the penguin picture. Are you sure those are males?

  4. Pretty sure they're male, but they could both be female too. The way emperor penguins handle child care, the female lays the egg onto the male's feet, then the male incubates it until it hatches. After the egg hatches they trade off child care duties, but it's pretty certain that you're either looking at two females or two males there (since the other half of a mated pair of course would not have a chick on his/her feet, since emperor penguins only lay one egg per year).


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