Thursday, August 25, 2005

*CARTOON* Penguin Porn!

One of the more peculiar things to come out of Japan over the past 30 years is something called "hentai". These are "adult" cartoons with your typical spikey-haired big-eyed animated Japanese characters. I've never been able to fathom the appeal of this genre... I mean, in a society where you can get the *real un-animated* porn so easily, why bother with *animated* porn?!

A mysterious reader sent me a link in EMAIL that is similarly unfathomable. It is a link to a page on one of those left-wing environmentalist sites. Look, everybody knows that those liberals are always always talking about sexual perversions, and engage in perverted sex regularly and they're all a bunch of perverted exhibitionists who shake their boobies on national TV. But look... animated penguin porn?!

-- Badtux the Astounded Penguin


  1. Good Lord, normally they show interviewees from the neck up, they seem to be going out of their way to fit those big knockers in the picture. Also, someone keeps reminding her to turn so they can be seen. She's the first one I've seen to present a profile to the camera on CNN.


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