Monday, August 22, 2005

Only dead people have a right to speak

If a live person criticizes Dear Leader and his holy war in Iraq, it's treason. This is even if that live person lost a son or daughter in Iraq. Such people are merely moral degenerates who are exploiting their child's death.

No no, it is clear: the only people who have the right to criticize Dear Leader's little foray into Iraq are the actual dead soldiers. Who 100% support the war. We know that because Dear Leader says so, and Dear Leader has, like, this direct pipeline to God, y'know, and would God lie?

Alrighty then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Badtux, Have you noticed the commenter on my site who is stationed in Iraq? He is very pro-war, and pro-bush. When he gets a bit too insulting or rude, I post the article from Truthout by the late Ryan Campbell's sister. He died serving in Iraq, but not before he could beg his sister to please not vote for bush in '04. I keep directing the little soldier to this post asking for a response, and he won't touch it. I just thought that was interesting.

  2. What I find ridiculous is right's insistence that Cindy should find allies that are not "leftys". Do they want her to first win over Limbaugh? the Freepers? Cheney? Captain Crunch? before her opinion is valid?

    Basically their point is, “You don’t have a valid opinion because we don’t share it.

  3. Ah, yes. The Lefties all "used" the Cindy situation for political gain. Totally unlike a dying woman in Florida.


  4. So... what are you saying? God doesn't lie?

    Where do these people get off. So many verbal attacks against Cindy Sheehan. Why do these people not want her to speak out? I don't understand them. I really don't. Didn't her own son die so that she could have the freedom of speech?

  5. One of the things that I encountered in "high achieving" ranks as a teacher was an attitude that winning was not everything, winning was the only thing, at any cost. Even the highest-achieving students had no problem with any kind of cheating as long as they didn't get caught, and if the teacher gave them a bad grade, were quick to accuse the teacher of being biased against black people, biased against white people (yes, I, a geeky white dude, was actually accused by one kid of being biased against white people!), don't know how to teach, incompetent, anything to avoid responsibility. As I stated to one parent, "Your child would have an A if he did his homework. My grading policy is quite clear and well published and he knows it, if he doesn't do the work, he doesn't get the grade." Said parent, rather then going home and taking away little Carl's car keys and grounding him until he did his homework, then started spewing accusations to the school board that I was assigning too much homework, not giving students the opportunity to make up work they missed, blah blah blah.

    Truth? Not necessary. Winning is the only thing. Fairness? Fairness is for losers, winners don't care about things like 'fairness'. Logic? If illogic wins, use illogic. Ad-hominem attacks against those between you and your goal? No problem. Lie? Cheat? Steal? No problem, just don't get caught. We've raised a generation of monsters with our fear that our children will not be able to compete in this harsh dog-eat-dog world that the Republicans have made of America in the past 20 years, and now we are reaping the price.

    -- Badtux the Former Teacher Penguin

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Please don't let the zombies rise and vote Republican.


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