Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bullshit talks

And that's all that ideological bullshit does. It don't solve problems. It don't get shit done. It just makes some assholes feel good about how righteous they are 'cause their ideology is, like, so perfect and shit.

So let's take the individual mandate that's in the Obamacare bill. Right now, I'm not only paying my own health care bill when I pay my health insurance. I'm paying for deadbeats too. Some of these deadbeats are deadbeats for no fault of their own, and I ain't got no problem with helpin' those folks out. Others are just young and dumb and figure that they ain't ever gonna get sick so why the fuck should they get insurance, whatever, and then they fall off their hipster fixie bike and break their arm on the fucking sidewalk and whose insurance pays for that ER visit? You guessed it, *MY* insurance pays for that ER visit.

So how do we solve the deadbeat problem? Well, by requiring everybody who can afford health insurance, to buy health insurance. The individual mandate. That's one way. It ain't the only way. But any way that actually works has to force deadbeats to pay to *someone*, whether that's to the government as taxes or to insurance, else they stay deadbeats and are sucking offa *my* health insurance. And I tella ya, I'm fucking tired of paying for the health care of deadbeats who can goddamn well afford to buy their own fucking insurance, yo.

So what do the Libertopians say about this whole mandates thing? They spew a buncha bullshit about freedom and yada yada. Yeah yeah, bullshit talks, but what's *your* solution, Libertopians? I mean, sure, hospitals can sue folks. And probably even win. And collect fuck-all, 'cause the whole point of insurance is to pay for shit you can't afford yourself by pooling the money of a buncha folks, of whom only a few are gonna fall off their goddamned hipster fixies and break their arm. Like when that dumbass ran the red light and smacked the corner of my Jeep damn well and good. He was responsible for that damage, and he had $20 to his name. 'Cause we have mandates here in California and they work pretty damn well (you don't get license plate stickers unless your insurance is paid up and current), his insurance paid for the fixes to my Jeep. If not for insurance, I coulda sued his ass, sure. And got $20 for my trouble 'cause that's all the dude had in the bank. Fuck that, I wanted my Jeep fixed, and the mandate did that, it got my Jeep fixed 'cause the dude's insurance company paid. What the fuck use is a goddammned lawsuit when I need my Jeep fixed -- or when I need deadbeat hipsters to pay their fair share of the health care of hipsters so that *I* don't gotta pay when they break their motherfucking arm falling off their hipster bikes?!

You got a solution that don't require mandates? 'Cause I'm all ears. All I gotta say is that it has to work in this universe, not some fictional universe with unicorns and cotton candy trees. I ain't got no fucking cotton candy trees in this universe, and if your so-called "solution" requires cotton candy trees for it to work... bogus, yo!

-- Badtux the Practical Penguin


  1. Nice flame war you had at Ornery Bastard with the dipshits who cannot conceive of cooperating with anybody for anything. I DON'T NEED ANY HELP! YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!" I like (dislike, actually) the way they dipshits start talking about hitting and shooting people because they disagree with them. "Antisocial personality disorder" is a term I'm seeing the psychiatrists hang on more and more patients. I think that deep inside, these people hate themselves, because they know what pieces of garbage they are, but they project their hatred onto everyone else, because if they acknowledged what scum they are, they'd have to shoot themselves.

  2. Perfectly correct response, YO! Should be repeated, rinsed and repeated again and again and again... YO!

  3. That individual mandate thang that conservatards hate so bad in Obamacare - which is the lunchpin of Romneycare, which is the Bob Dole plan, was originated at the fucking HERITAGE FOUNDATION as an alternative to Hillarycare.

    ACA is Ruthug through and through, and now the god damned lying bastards are against it because it's coming from B. Hoover Obama.

    Rethugs have not one shred of integrity. What used to be conservatism in this country has degenerated into a state of total ethical and intellectual bankruptcy.


  4. "Rethugs have not one shred of integrity. What used to be conservatism in this country has degenerated into a state of total ethical and intellectual bankruptcy."

    Precisely. Alas, I'm not convinced it's limited to rethugs.

  5. I honestly don't understand why the government lawyers didn't bring up auto insurance in front of the Supremes, because that's exactly what this thing is and why. Auto insurance wouldn't work if you made it optional - there's just too many people out there who a) need to drive, and b) can't afford to get in an accident, but do.

    I don't like subsidizing the fatheads, either - but I sure as hell don't want my insurance company having the excuse to jack my rates up through the sky because the guy driving the H3 "opted out".

    I look at this stuff and really wonder - do these people ranting about "freedom" and "socialized medicine" live in the real world? Do they WANT a United States where people bleed out in the lobby of the ER because they have no insurance and (to save their balance sheet) the hospital will refuse to treat them because they know they will never get paid? Are these people smoking crack, or just brutal, callous idiots? Or do they WANT some sort of economic Social Darwinist world? I have no idea, but it's damn depressing watching this nonsense play out...

  6. Do they WANT a United States where people bleed out in the lobby of the ER because they have no insurance and (to save their balance sheet) the hospital will refuse to treat them because they know they will never get paid? Are these people smoking crack, or just brutal, callous idiots? Or do they WANT some sort of economic Social Darwinist world?

    The answer to all of the above is "Yes." Because these people a.) Think that will never apply to THEM, and b.) Don't give two shits about anyone else, including their own family members. They are emotionally autistic. They cannot relate to anyone else, locked inside their own feeling-less bubble the way an autistic person is locked inside their own mental blinders.

    I don't know if you read the link in Tux's post where he was arguing with some Glibertarian fuckwits. It quickly devolved into the fuckwits spouting misanthropic hatred about how they wanted to punch and shoot people, and how people should just go fucking DIE already, and how they hoped to die all alone, because they didn't need no help from nobody. I commend Tux for wanting to talk sense to the heartless. I realize the futility of that, so I don't waste my time. I do that enough with the mentally ill people at work, but at least I'm getting paid to do that, and with some of them, I have hope that they will eventually comprehend reality.

    And if they are as nasty as the ones Tux was tussling with, I can have security hold them down and give them powerful meds with a syringe. Ah, but one can only dream of an Internet syringe...

  7. Coming late to the discussion, but will add that the selfish bastards who claim to be such rugged individualists are also totally convinced that if the unthinkable ever happens to them, they will be able to waltz into any emergency room and be treated for free. No getting turned away for any reason, no having the ambulance rerouted to a county shithole, just free treatment on demand for anything that might go wrong. They truly believe the lies the right wing politicians spew. They're also the same people who are shocked as hell to discover when they suddenly need assistance for housing, food, whatever, that the welfare state they rail against constantly (the one they believe is giving all sorts of benefits to illegals and slackers) doesn't actually exist.


Ground rules: Comments that consist solely of insults, fact-free talking points, are off-topic, or simply spam the same argument over and over will be deleted. The penguin is the only one allowed to be an ass here. All viewpoints, however, are welcomed, even if I disagree vehemently with you.

WARNING: You are entitled to create your own arguments, but you are NOT entitled to create your own facts. If you spew scientific denialism, or insist that the sky is purple, or otherwise insist that your made-up universe of pink unicorns and cotton candy trees is "real", well -- expect the banhammer.

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