Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rick Santorum has seven guns

No, I'm not joking. How... phallic. He also has closets. Very *large* closets. Just sayin' :).

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. I bet he enjoys... lubing... them too.

  2. His favorite gun is a Kimber?


    If someone is much of a hobbyist, seven guns is nothing. They don't wear out with minor care.

  3. For the record, I liked Ron Paul's response best. This is a question that is ridiculous -- the number of guns you own, or which one is your favorite, has nothing to do with being President of the United States. You know that Ron probably has a vault of heavy weaponry in his bunker on his ranch, but this is the sort of BS question that doesn't deserve to be dignified with anything more than what Ron gave it -- a non-answer answer.

    -Badtux the Gun-owning Penguin

  4. Wait, that was Newt Gingrich that didn't respond. Damn, I hate having to give kudos to someone as slimy and reptilian as The Big Newt, but so it goes.

  5. I only have 4 trombones.

    And, yes, I do enjoy lubing them . . .


  6. All I have are Jeeps.

    Oh wait...

    - Badtux the Amused Penguin

  7. Wow, the commenters to that Daily Caller story sure were a bunch of mouth-breathing right-wing retards. I sure hope a lot of them put their guns in their own mouths and commit suicide when the collapse comes and they can't make it any more.


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