Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rats are more empathetic than Republicans

When a rat hears another rat in distress, that rat will immediately go to help the rat in distress. Furthermore, if they had a chocolate treat, they'd share that treat with the rat that they helped.

So what happens when a Republican sees someone in distress? Well, the first thing they do is ignore the person in distress. See previous post. Next, if they're feeling particularly generous, they might install a switch to allow the person in distress to escape his trap -- a switch which is *outside* the trap, which the person caught in the trap can't reach (e.g., offering mental health services to the mentally ill... out of reach of the person *inside* the trap of mental illness). But that's the end of any empathy. Past that point, it's "get a job, bum!" or "it's your own fault you got caught in a trap, don't whine to me for help!" and a shrug of the shoulder and move on. And if the cries of distress on the part of those caught in the trap become too disturbing, they dispatch the popo to beat the shit out of those in distress in order to shut up that annoying whining from people who are dying. Because as far as lizard people from planet Sociopath are concerned, human beings are just another kind of vermin, and if vermin makes untoward noise, well. Beat it until it's no longer capable of making noise, right?

Sad, isn't it, that rats are more empathetic than a large percentage of Americans?

-- Badtux the "Guess I have more in common with rats than I thought!" Penguin


  1. I'll assume that you are out there trying to save everyone.

  2. Y'know Tux, in a world of Peak Oil and Peak Everything Else (including humanity) it makes sense for the lizard people to allow 4/5 of the world's population to die prematurely or kill each other. That way, there will be more ability to stretch out the remaining oil for the master class.

    I'm not one to believe in organized conspiracies such as the Illuminati or "negative ETs" as one of my co-workers does, a guy who appears sane and is a skilled psych tech, but whose thinking is farther out than most paranoid schizos. But I just got done reading "Twilight in the Desert," Matt Simmon's scientific look at Saudi Arabia's oil production. It came out in 2005, and was all about the prospects of depletion there. The guy was an oil insider, and he knows his stuff, with analysis of ARAMCO scientific papers from many years. I think that was the gist of realPresident Cheney's secret energy task force meeting in 2001, about Peak Saudi Oil.

    The U.S. .gov knows a lot that it doesn't let out. One of the things Simmons details in his book are Congressional hearings from 1979 about how ARAMCO was over-pumping oil from Saudi fields while it was still controlled by private companies, to extract maximum money before the Saudis nationalized it. That damages oil fields by allowing water incursion into the oil-bearing rock strata. Almost nothing was mentioned in the mass media about this at the time. Almost nothing is being said to the vast public about Peak Oil now.

    If we're going to run out, and the oil-based lifestyle for a planet of 7 billion is going to crumble, why not get 5 or 6 billion to kill each other? TPTB are confident that enough of them will be able to ride it out with their ability to control intact. They are calculating lizards. Who ever thought that rats were nicer than the humans who have the power?

  3. Badtux, you might also be interested in this fake data:

    The National Institutes of Health has announced that they will no longer be using lab rats for medical experimentation, since they've found a superior substitute.

    After exhaustive research, researchers have found that Republican politicians make better experimental subjects.

    The top five advantages are:

    1. There are now more Republican politicians than there are rats.

    2. Medical researchers don't become as emotionally attached to the Republicans, as sometimes happens with rats.

    3. Animal rights activists agreed to stop their protests if testing labs switched.

    4. No matter how hard you try, there are some things that rats just won't do.

    5. Should the test subject die, the families of Republican politicians don't suffer the loss as acutely as the relatives of rats.

    BTW, I'm posting my cartoons on my own blog now at Stop by when you get a chance.


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