Thursday, December 15, 2011

Close to 50% of Americans are now poor

A couple of weeks ago, I noted a quietly released and completely unpublicized (except by the official magazine of the Communist Party, WTF is that, that the Communists cover the US better than our so-called "free" press?) Social Security income report which inadvertently pointed out that the median income of the average American was near the poverty line for a family of four, and well under the 133% mark that most experts consider "poor". That is, if you are a single-income family of four in America, you're likely poor. And the Great Recession has made a lot of single-income families of four -- and some no-income ones, for that matter.

Now Census data pretty much confirming the Census data has been released and even our snoozing press had to pay attention to the fact that 1 in 2 Americans are now poor. And mayors are saying that a significant number of people needing food assistance aren't getting any because of cuts to food banks and other social safety networks, but hey, let them eat cake, right? Congratulations, Republicans. Your project, 30 years in the making, to turn America into the world's biggest banana republic with a stinking rich oligarch class and everybody else a poor-ass serf is coming to fruition. Bet you're proud.

-- Badtux the Banana-eating Penguin


  1. In all honesty, I cannot imagine trying to support 4 people on a $45,000 a year wage. I know it can be done as long as no one gets sick and as long as the car/furnace/refrigerator/etc doesn't break. I suppose it is more doable if it is a single wage family or if the kids are old enough for the free public school day care. Two kids in day care can eat up the bulk of the money though. And if the family of four consists of *three* kids and a single wage earner, YIKES.

  2. Methinks that one of the fine think tankers on the corporate right is already attempting to move the goalposts on what the poverty level is. Their campaign was started a while ago when our friends over in the Murdoch-owned world, spokesmodels were decrying the fact that the poors had refrigerators, for god's sake. Refrigerators!

  3. Yah, and indoor plumbing! How can ya be poor if ya got indoor plumbing?!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  4. Aren't these the same people who will go on and on about how greedy teachers are for earning $50k/year at a "part time job" (no summers!) but will in almost the same breath go on about how a tax increase to those earning over $250k/year isn't fair because those people aren't *really* rich? They barely even try to hide their true intentions.

  5. It was reported today that American CEOs enjoyed a 27 to 40 percent pay increase this past year.

  6. But, but, Forbes says it doesn't matter that 30% of americans have less net worth than the Wal-Mart heirs because we still might, possibly, maybe, with no guarantees, be able to earn some money.

    The Forbes article pointed out that a medical student might graduate $500k in debt but with a medical degree they could make lots of money fleecing the rest of us.

    Of course if that medical student gets a head injury in a car accident and can no longer use the medical degree they have $500k in non-dischargable student loans. She/he is now an indentured servant for the rest of their lives.

    I keep pointing out that we're still fighting the Civil War. There is a faction of the U.S. body politic that wants to go back to a slave-owning nation on the premise that they will be the slave owners or at least part of the overseer class.

  7. Your project, 30 years in the making, to turn America into the world's biggest banana republic with a stinking rich oligarch class and everybody else a poor-ass serf is coming to fruition. Bet you're proud.

    Hell yes, they're proud! How do you feel when you successful complete a big project and the results exceed all your expectations?


  8. By most points of view I've been as much as poor all my life, even during the years when I was making what I thought was good wages.

    But having become the fine bum I am I get by just fine now on less than a grand a month. Most of these monkeys want too much and don't spend their money wisely.

  9. I have three fridges, and three boats.

  10. And my credit card account owes me money.

  11. Congrats, BBC. According to the Republican Party, you're a wealthy man, and should be stripped of your Socialist Security 'cause hey, you even got indoor plumbing, so you ain't poor!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  12. bbc has indoor plumbing? I thought he lived in a camper. :)

  13. Even campers have indoor plumbing, you just have more, um, maintenance to do.

  14. Besides, the Beeb actually lives in a shack with actual *running water* as well as indoor plumbing. And his shack has actual *wooden walls* and a *roof* rather than being made out of cardboard! Wow, that makes him a wealthy man according to the Republican Party.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  15. I wonder how many of those poor people are blaming the eeeeevil librul guvvamint for making them poor? Not because of how it gave away the store to the rich mofos, but because it did things to help the people of the wrong skin colour. I'm sure that a majority of the poor people don't blame the .gov, but I bet a substantial minority are in favour of the same Rape-ublicans who have been kicking them in the face since the Era of Saint Ronnie of Alzheimer's.


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