Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Too damned *hot*

Had a couple of posts to put up, but by the time I got home and started sweltering in the heat (got to 95 today here in the Silly Cone Valley), I just didn't have the energy to write'em.

So instead, a brief product review:

Whoops, that wasn't it. Here's the real thing, which doesn't have 10 or 15 blades, but does have six blades (five for the shaving surface, one "trimmer" blade):

Gillette Fusion Power. I was dubious. But I figured what the heck, maybe this vibrating thingy would do for my face what that other kinda vibrating thingy does for a woman's, err, lips. So anyhow: it gave me the closest shave I've had in my adult life, with no bloodshed. And that whole "no bloodshed" thing is important, yo. I'm not quite sure why vibrating like a sex toy is supposed to do something when it comes to razors, but whatever it's doing, it does seem to be shaving well.

-- Badtux the Random Penguin


  1. Any idea what number this would be in new shaver innovations? There must be hundreds. That's cool it works so well but it does look a bit intimidating.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WvgH-MP87A

  3. Or, if you want the audio synchronized, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPre1TtvTqk

  4. One Fly, I dunno When the three-blade razors came out I was impressed 'cause they worked better than the old dual-blade razors, so I stopped with them for a while and didn't look at new razors. As for the shaver itself, the actual shaver looks pretty much identical to the existing three-blade Gillette, it just has two more blades in the same size cartridge. Well, plus the vibrator handle.

    Nan, yes, I saw that when searching for the video I *did* embed above. Thing is, this particular razor does *not* end up with you having a bloody face, it glides right over your face because the blades are so tiny and don't extend beyond the "box" that they're in.

    - Badtux the Clean-shaven Penguin

  5. Oh yeah, why don't I just let my facial hair grow? Well, 'cause I know where that ends up -- I end up lookin' like Crazy McWhiskers, the homeless dude who pushes his shopping cart around in circles under the overpass while muttering to his invisible friend. No thanks.

  6. But, you have to take out a morgage to pay for one. GD, they're expensive.

  7. My thesis advisor is a Seasonal Beard Grower. I'll pop into his office one day in May, and his beard and even his mustache will be gone for the summer. A bit of stubble appears in late September, and by mid-October there's a neatly-trimmed beard. I often wonder if his wife kisses him between October and May...

  8. Oh, and having good blinds and ceiling fans keep me plodding at my thesis even during 90s afternoons in SV. I do notice, though, that the cats spread out under the ceiling fans.

  9. I have ceiling fans. I have box fans. I have two floor fans so powerful that I could power a soapbox derby car with one of'em, just put it on there pointing backwards and whizz down the street at 90mph. But once you get above 90F, it's hot. Not as hot as when it gets above 105F -- when it gets above 105F it don't matter what the humidity is, stepping outdoors is like stepping into a furnace. But it's still *hot*, and I greatly miss central air conditioning at such times :(.

    - Badtux the Overheated Penguin

  10. But it's still *hot*, and I greatly miss central air conditioning at such times.

    So do I. But adding central air is extraordinarily expensive, the way our garage/heating/utility space is set out.

    Husband says, "turn on the camper A/C and take your computer out there", refusing to acknowledge that there was never a more uncomfortable space for computing than that camper. I'll take heat over sleep-killing back pain any time. HIS back can withstand several hours of computing at the table, so why can't mine?

    So I throw back another chilled Costco zero-calorie Vita Rain, and wait for nightfall.

  11. Yeppers, I'm just sitting here with one of the pedestal fans blowing full force on me and it's acceptable now that the outside temperature has gotten down to around 80F. Air conditioning this entire rental duplex is pretty much impossible because a) it'd be extraordinarily expensive due to single-pane windows and lack of wall and attic insulation, and b) there isn't the electrical supply to do it. I do have the portable AC in the bedroom, but it's only useful at night once there's no longer any radiant heat coming in fron the sun, and it's rarely hot enough at night to need it. Last night was one night it was -- it was still 80F in my house at 10PM. That's uncomfortable sleeping temperature, period :(.

    - Badtux the Overheated Penguin

  12. I've found that no matter what technology a razor uses, about two generations later they start selling only really inferior-quality blades for your old one, forcing you to upgrade. I'll take a look at the Gillette Fusion Power.

    BTW, bearded guys like me don't escape shaving. In fact, we need razors precise enough to shave around the edges of the beard and sideburns... not always easy. Otherwise we look like that cartoon character, whose name escapes me at the moment.

  13. Yosemite Sam?

    Or just Crazy McWhiskers. You know who I'm talking about.

    I'm rather not overinvolved in personal grooming, so I'd rather just chop it off rather than rely on my questionable fashion sense to determine how a beard should be shaped. I mean, I wear dark socks with sandals. Uhm, yeah.

    - Badtux the Not-crazy Penguin


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