Monday, July 04, 2011

The once-great U S of A

James McMurtry "We can't make it here".

One of the most bitter songs about the current state of the USA that I've heard in a long time...

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. Thanx fer this one 'Tux. Gonna post this one myself .....while I'm still wipin' the tears from my eyes. Keep on keepin' on you Snarky Bird you!

  2. Ta for the heads up on the thumbs down.

  3. Thanks, he about said it all. I am boosting this signal.

  4. Before he was angry, in the mid-1990s he was just wistful and depressed when he sang about down-n-out Texas in "Levelland." (Sorry about the 15-second commercial before the video.) Shows McMurtry with darker hair, but just as long, and even then he was a melodic story-teller.)


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