Monday, July 25, 2011

Teh Crazy, it burns, it burns...

Glenn Beck compares the dead in Norway to Hitler Youth.

I don't get it. What's his point? That it was okay for a tall blond Norwegian to kill all those kids because they were liberals? That's the only thing I can figure from what he said.

We see where eliminationist rhetoric gets you -- it gets you Timothy McVeigh and Anders Behring Breivik and a lot of dead children. But Beck apparently has no problem with that, from what I can tell.

-- Badtux the Unsurprised (if appalled) Penguin


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Tux, you know the saying about "When all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Well, when the only trick you've got is to call everything "Hitler," then everything looks like Nazism. Why does anybody pay the least bit of attention to the word-farts of such an anus? I sure don't. I just sneer and await with anticipation their inevitable collapse into alcoholic dementia. I'm not only talking about Beckkk, either.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. He wouldn't be a wingnut if he didn't blame the victims.

  5. In the book Dunn's Conumdrum, Stan Lee (no, not that Stan Lee) says there is a class of information that destroys intelligence and logic. That sort of disinformation is Beck's stock in trade. He doesn't know anything about history except what he pull out of his ass. The kindest things I can say about him is he is a tool and an ignoramus.

  6. Hey fuckwit, when I wrote "I'm not only talking about Beckkk, either", do you have half a clue who else I might be referring to? Jayzus K. Riced, some people are obtuse.

  7. Posts deleted by idiot who thinks a neo-Nazi killing socialists means that the socialists are Nazis. See ground rules -- posts that consist solely of insults or stupidity will be deleted.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Socialists believe in nationalizing critical industries. Hitler didn't nationalize *anything* until 1943, when he had no choice because he was losing and private industry wasn't building him the weapons he needed. Meanwhile the U.S. basically nationalized industry in 1942 when the War Department took charge of every major industry and directed each business as to what war goods to produce. 'Nuff said on that nonsense. In any event, Hitler banned labor unions (the camp in Norway was run by a Labor party -- oops!). And besides, what does the political affiliation of the people killed have to do with anything? Are people less human because they're a member of a political party you don't like? There's a few I'd say are lizard people because of their complete sociopathic nature, but that's got nothing to do with their politics (other than that their politics tend to result in lots of dead bodies, which they gloat over in private) and everything to do with the fact that they're lizard people.

    Stupidity deleted. Don't post it here again.

  10. My Norwegian cousins actually knew two of the young people who were killed, and are annoyed with the U.S. right wing, but furious over the Glenn Beck comparison. And so they should be.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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