Friday, July 29, 2011

News Corp *really* pissed w/News of World reporters

... is now offering them plum positions in Siberia and similar shitholes vacation spots. Butte, Montana is the FBI's Siberia for disgraced agents, and it makes sense that News Corpse would have a similar place to send reporters it really, really wishes would resign but who for some reason aren't doing so. So now we know what News Corp's Siberia is for its reporters who land in its bad graces is. It's... uhm... Siberia ;).

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. I'm betting that anyone who 1.) worked for an ambulance-bugging Murdoch rag when it was at its shittiest and 2.) still wants to work for Rupes after the shittiness has been exposed is: a shitheel who deserves to ship out to a shithole.

  2. Heh, yeah, can't happen to a nicer bunch ;).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. Dude, have you ever been to Butte MT? It's probably like Siberia foranybody, not just FBI agents, lol. It has one tourist attraction, a toxic mine pit that filled in with water and routinely kills flocks of geese migrating north who land in it. Gee thanks, Anaconda.

  4. Hey, you know, amyabe Murdoch could take a dip in the pit, lol

  5. Well done, Snarky and Bukko, ever ready to leap to the defence of a free and unfettered press!

  6. Yes, especially a free and unfettered press that, uhm, illegally wiretaps the phones of kidnapped children. Next up, we're going to jump to the defense of pedophiles who merely touch their victims in a creepy manner rather than actually penetrate them. Uhmm.... NOT!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  7. Fuckwit Gibbertarians, always ready to equate corporate lawlessness with "FREEDOM!" To paraphrase that old criminal Dickstard Nixon, "When the corporation does it, that means it's not illegal." Gibbertarians say "We welcome slavery from our corporate Alien Lizard Overlords."


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