Sunday, August 01, 2010

Them ole' deflation blues

I got my salary
goin' down the hill
my income
don't give no thrill

I got the blues
uh huh
I got the blues
yes indeed
I got them ol' deflation
got no money in my wallet blues.

Well ole' price stickiness
keeps prices up
while income deflation
keeps my wallet down

I got the blues
uh huh
I got the blues
yes indeed
I got them ol' deflation
got no money in my wallet blues.

And if Paul Krugman
ain't always right
how come he's the only one
who called this one right

We got the blues
uh uh
We got the blues
yes indeed
We got them ole' deflation
got no money in our wallets blues....

-- Badtux the Blues Penguin


  1. Now your talking my language. I'd offer to put it to music for you but I know you can do it yourself.

  2. The thing about Krugman is that he's not always right - I mean he's just a human being, not the GREAT FRIGGIN' PENGUIN. But everything I've even seen that is supposed to be a take-down, criticism, or refutation ends up being a greater or lesser pile of shit.

    Now ---- where's the music? (Put in a flat key, and I'll play along.)

    JzB who actually is not afraid of sharps


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