Friday, August 27, 2010

Fat man fuckin' *rocks*

Old fart Dexter Romweber and his sister (on drums) show what rock'n'roll is all about. He may be fat, and he may be old. But he knows how to thrash that antique axe of his and shout into the mike, and his sister knows how to pound them drums.

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. P.S. Great performance for an audience that was almost as small as the band. I hope those Tarheads knew how lucky they are.

    P.P.S. I know they're not called Tar"heads". But I don't like North CaroJessehelmsia. I like the Palmetto Buggery state next door even less.

  2. What gets me about Dex is that he's like the love child of Fat Elvis and Buddy Holly. When you see a fat old dude up on stage all by himself with just a drummer you think, "well, he's going to sing the blues or something slow." You don't expect him to freakin' *ROCK*.

    - Badtux the Music Penguin

  3. Bukko, there's a clip on YouTube somewhere of Dex and his sister rockin' out for a freakin' *BLOCK PARTY*. Further proof that there is no justice in this world :(. 'Cause if there was, Dex would be rich and famous, and Justin Bieber would be just another ambiguously-gendered Canadian attending high school and getting regularly beat up by the jocks...

    -- Badtux the Saddened Penguin


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