Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Birthday Ball


That is all.

-- Badtux the Brief Penguin


  1. I am deeply touched by this.

    My step son in Afghanistan is within days of the end of his deployment. One of my brothers-in-law is an Army chaplain. My son-in-law is an ex-marine who spent time in the Army reserves (no, I can't explain it.)

    I admire their courage and commitment, along with all our service people. I wish we would put it to good use.

    My step son in Afghanistan is within days of the end of his deployment. One of my brothers-in-law is an Army chaplain. My son-in-law is an ex-marine who spent time in the Army reserves (no, I can't explain it.)

    I admire their courage and commitment, along with all our service people. I wish we would put it to good use.

    JzB whose trombone is at the moment not relevant ,
    JzB whose trombone is at the moment not relevant

  2. I'm a vet. That doesn't make me better than someone who's not, but it does bond me to vets of all ages who go where they are told, do their damdest not for 'God and Country' for the most part - but for their comrades in the hope that somebody up the chain of command has some idea WTF we're doing and why.

    So a Toast - To those who made it home in one piece - those who made it home minus a few pieces and those who made it home in a box draped with a flag. Thank You!

  3. TampaDoug
    With your permission I'd like to re-post this with your tag.
    It exactly expresses how I feel about being a vet. I can't say it any better so I'd like to use your comment.

  4. I have no idea how everything in my comment got doubled.

    JzB the doubly confused trombonist


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