Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday Musical Social Commentary

I hiked a lot of miles today so I'm tired. I'm heading to bed.

This song reminds me of a song I need to record called "Hypnotize me." It starts, "hypnotize me mesmerize me dirty up my mind/tell me what I think today and tell me what I feel/ Tell me who to hate today and tell me who to kill / Welcome, to the United States of Delusion / Where every day's an illusion / Bathe me in your cool blue glow and tell me what to think and know / Welcome, to the United States of Illusion."

Or something along those lines. Same basic theme anyhow. Now you know why I don't own a TV. Voluntarily submitting myself to be mind fucked simply is not something this penguin has any desire to do.

-- Badtux the Orwellian Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Sheesh.

    Yes, it's bad.

    Get some rest.

    Glad I never heard that one.

    "hypnotize me mesmerize me dirty up my mind/tell me what I think today and tell me what I feel/ Tell me who to hate today and tell me who to kill / Welcome, to the United States of Delusion / Where every day's an illusion / Bathe me in your cool blue glow and tell me what to think and know / Welcome, to the United States of Illusion."

    Happy Father's Day?


    Green Day rules.


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