Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Like, mello, man!

Barney Frank introduces bill to decriminalize marijuana.

Not a chance in hell of it passing...

-- Badtux the not-mellow Penguin


  1. If only and thanks again Barney!!

  2. Yeah, ain't it sad that the gayest legislator of all is the only dude in the whole Congress who has actual, like, balls?

    - Badtux the Clang-hearin' Penguin

  3. " Yeah, ain't it sad that the gayest legislator of all is the only dude in the whole Congress who has actual, like, balls? "

    What, did you forget Barbara Boxer?


  4. I didn't know Barbara Boxer was a dude, Nunya :).

    - Badtux the Amused Penguin

  5. Sheesh, with the federal debt over 10 trillion and states fixing to file bankruptcy, you'd think lawmakers would be more open to new sources of revenue. America's biggest cash crap is currently untaxed, fer chrissakes!

    But then again, legalization would require our Congresscritters to act rationally. We all know the chances of that happening...


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