Monday, February 25, 2008

The world's most... interesting... job?

Think your job is boring? Imagine the poor sod who had this job -- evaluating all the porn available to decide what's admissible and not admissible to Canada. A 24 page listing of porn, porn, nothing but porn. Oh sure, I'm sure he got a charge from the job for the first couple of days. But day after day of beaver shots (and I ain't talkin' rodents) has to get pretty darn dull after a while even if you aren't a penguin...

-- Badtux the Otherwise-Employed Penguin


  1. I wouldn't want the job because I don't much like looking at beavers, I'm a boob man but suppose I would even tire of looking at them if they were around all the time.

    Okay, I'm more into kissing them that looking at them. :-)

    "No Obscenity, Please. We're Canadian"

    Ha, ha, ha... Bullshit. Not the Canadians I know.

  2. What is it House says in the commercials - "I was up late, Internet porn"? If you're married (and hence have NO chance of ever having sex again), you do what ya gotta do, I spose.


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