Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The root problem of the world's problems

There is no such thing as a "Jew". Or a "Palestinian". Or a "Muslim". Or an "American". Or an "Iraqi". That's all just a buncha fuckin' bullshit to divide and conquer us. We're all HUMAN BEINGS (except for those of us who are penguins, naturally).

If you believe in some invisible sky demon who blows up cities, turns people into salt and calls for you to occupy some goddamn sandpit in the desert somewhere, fine. If you believe in some invisible sky demon that says women are not allowed to drive cars or hold jobs outside the home, again, that's your mental illness, not mine, and you're entitled to it as long as it remains your mental illness and you don't try to impose it on someone else. If you believe that some scrap of cloth with red and white and blue stripes on it makes you better than people who have some scrap of cloth with red and green and white stripes on it (what, because blue is a better color than green?), fine. But it's all just bullshit, psychotic rantings of a jumped-up monkey with delusions of grandeur. Don't expect me to give a shit about your monkey delusions. People are people, regardless of whatever bullshit you use to say that some people are different from others and should be treated different from others.

In other words, I'm not interested in your delusions. Take it up with your psychiatrist. Reality is people doing their best to make it through every day. Reality is work, and play, and children, and eating, and making love with a fellow member of humanity, and sleeping, and... well, real shit. Real life. All the rest... just a buncha bullshit delusions.

- Badtux the Humanist Penguin


  1. This monkey thinks that a lot of those other monkeys are brainwashed and insane.

    I have no love for Jews, Christians, Muslims, and such as that. That is to say that I have no love for their religions.

    I think that if they all went away that the world would be a more peaceful place.

    But maybe not, greed would still be here it is the cause of many of mankind's problems.

  2. I think greed is behind a lot of those "divide and conquer" thingies. Human beings devise these most intricate excuses as to why they, and not some other group of people, are entitled to some particular piece of wealth or land or whatever, whether it is calling some piece of land their "holy land" or "holy city", or saying that their invisible sky demon is better than the other group's invisible sky demon thus it is only right that they take that other people's land by force, or whatever.

    It's all just a front for greed, in the end. Remember that, next time you see some grits-chewin' preacher man ranting about the Devil. If the Devil is greed, said grits-chewin' preacher man knows that demon REAAAL close...

    - Badtux the Heretic Penguin

  3. Bravo!!
    Well said and very true.

  4. "Human beings devise these most intricate excuses as to why they, and not some other group of people, are entitled to some particular piece of wealth or land or whatever, whether it is calling some piece of land their "holy land" or "holy city", or saying that their invisible sky demon is better than the other group's invisible sky demon thus it is only right that they take that other people's land by force, or whatever. "

    There's the flip side of the Greed coin which might be the better reason; Envy (Vis a vis Communism as one example).

    I think the case could be made that while religion's hands are indeed bloody, that there are humans that will use nearly any philosophy (Communism, National Socialism or Fascism), any method (Capitalism, Imperialism or outright Warfare), or religion (Catholic Crusades, Sharia Law, Planned Parenthood Bombings) to excuse or allow their own desire and naked aggression.

    I think there are plenty of humans just chock full of naked aggression and envy for what other people have (or a desire to deny it to them) and they will formulate what rationales they can to 'morally' allow it.

    Greed and Envy are two different things. I think Envy is closer to the mark but humanity is too complex for such a pat diagnosis of our ills.

    Religion only shares part of the blame though.

  5. You are indeed correct, religion is not the only means via which humanity is divided and conquered by those who wish to use us for their own greedy purposes. "Patriotism", "nations", economic ideologies such as Marxism or Capitalism, etc. also serve that purpose. Religion is just the first (chronologically) and still arguably most powerful of those mechanisms.

    - Badtux the Humanist Penguin

  6. Me thinks that behind the greed is fear. I'd go even further and say that fear is the root of all the worlds problems.

    Even though fear is only an illusion, it is the illusion that creates the feeling of separateness.......the false sense of isolation that exists only in our imaginations. We are one.

    I agree with you, Badtux. We are connected, interdependent parts of the whole. We are not separated from each other except in the mind, in our false understanding of reality.
    Frances Newton said it best: I can stand what I know. It's what I don't know that frightens me.

    It's that free--floating anxiety that catches up with me on occasion that kicks my country behind. In anxiety provoking situations, I often feel unable to act.

    The bad thing about that is it's humiliating, and worst, habit forming. I have come to realize that all my troubles with living have come from fear and smallness within myself because I think I need to be more than I am.

  7. I was born and live in America. But I see no reason to be patriotic to it. It's just a country defined by borders.

    And there is the whole rub.

  8. this is a great post :)


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