Thursday, July 26, 2007

Windows XP Activation sucks

Have to run it in Parallels on the Macbook to run the VPN tunnel to work (only runs on Windows, GRRR!). So I changed my Parallels setup and re-installed and it decided it no longer wanted to be activated. So I went through the robot and the robot told me I stole my copy of Windows that I paid good money for blah blah, so I called again and punched keys until I got a customer service representative, at which point I got the thing activated again, but gah!

This is a perfect example of yet another piece of stupidity from technology companies. The pirates and hackers cracked Windows Activation years ago. The only people this thing impacts are people like me who build our own computers with our own legal copies of Windows who don't want to put some probably-virus-laden hacked/cracked shit onto computers that we use for work purposes. The script kiddies and such? Fuck, they don't give a shit anyhow about how many zombies are running on their PC, as long as they can play their pirated games on their pirated Windows without the zombies slowing it down too much.

Microsoft... Sony... all those goons who put this bullshit into their products that only affects legit users, not software pirates... well, I ain't gonna say what I want to have happen to them, except that it ain't nice. They're hiding behind the laws that they bought and paid for right now. But if the Republicans get their way and destroy the government as a functioning entity...

1 comment:

  1. God, I hate these guys. Microsoft's insane policies is one reason my husband has steady work, but for myself, I will never, ever, use an M$ product--let alone buy one.

    And don't even get me started on DVD region encoding.


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