Sunday, July 29, 2007

CRASH! Thunk!

So I just put together one of those white bookshelves from Ikea, and turned around and started clearing a spot for it. Then I hear a CRASH! I turn around and... The Mighty Fang had launched himself off the top of the kitchen counter (one of those wrap-around bar type counters) to jump on top of the new bookshelf unit to investigate, and of course since there were no books in it to stabilize it, it smashed right over into the stereo speaker and lamp on the "entertainment center". The Mighty Fang was clinging for dear life to the top shelf of the thing with his front paws, his back paws were dangling over thin air, and as I watched he slid down and went "thunk!" onto the carpet.

Total damage: I had to nail the back panels back on, they popped out when they smashed into the stereo speaker. The lamp was fine when I retrieved it from behind the stereo. A chunk of the sawdust-board was knocked out of one of the side panels, but you can barely see it from the outside, and I'll put that up against the wall in the corner to make it harder to see. All in all, the biggest damage was to The Mighty Fang's dignity. He sulked off and went to sleep on my bed.

-- Badtux the Cat-watching Penguin


  1. "I'm flying!!!!"
    "I'm falling!!"


  2. Yeah, that's pretty much how it went!

  3. Sometimes Evil Spock wishes Big Brother was watching us all the time, so that moments like this could be archived and perused at a later date on the telly.

    That, and all the sex that would be recorded.

  4. Time for your lecture to The Mighty Fang on physics.


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