Friday, July 27, 2007

What's important in life

Nothing beats full-body palm-on-fur action for making a kitty happy...

-- Badtux the Joy-producing Penguin


  1. That looks like one happy cat!

  2. The joy of being The Mighty Fang!

  3. Let the purring begin!

  4. I included the image in a Roundup over at C&L, hope that's OK?

  5. Makes me want to find my baby and rub him good! Indeed there are few things in life so good.

  6. Yeppers, one happy, purring, joyful kitty. You don't want to know how many pictures I had to take in succession in order to capture that blissful joyful look on his little furry face, but at least with a digital camera I could just delete the ones that didn't turn out.

    -Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  7. Hi buddy, how's it going?

  8. I miss my cats! Not allowed pet's when I'm living... *sigh*

    Thanks! :D

    Oh, hey... did you see this story about Oscar the Death Cat? LOL I think he's a pretty good cat. :)

  9. Kitty cats everywhere are pleased then the palm-on-fur action suits them.


  10. All that and a C&L tag. Fang's becoming famous.


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