Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Outrage fatigue

I suppose I could post some outraged screed about how Dear Leader believes in that "rule of law" thingy only when it's a Democrat who gets convicted. But really, are we at all surprised that he pardoned his buddy Scooter? I had already predicted, months before, that Scooter Libby wouldn't serve a day in jail. Because Dear Leader simply does not care. He done been electorated, señors and señoritas. And short of impeachment, which ain't happenin' as long as eleven Republicans don't bolt to the Democratic Party in the Senate (I am counting Joe Lieberman as a Republican), he ain't gettin' UN-electorated, so why should he care? Because of that "legacy" thing? Crap, his legacy done been shot to shit with that Iraq mess, which shall go down as the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history. He done finished with that "legacy" thing. He just gets to sit in his Oval Office and go "heh heh heh" with that asinine smirk on his face for the rest of his term of office, no matter what, while watching his cronies rub their hands in glee over all the money they're looting from the Treasury while Dear Leader smirks.

In short, it's hard to get outraged over what's not a surprise. I'm just waiting for the bombs to start falling on Iran, myself. I figure that it'll be in October of next year, shortly before the elections. Either then, or December of next year immediately after a Democrat has been elected to the Presidency, just to fuck over his successor -- nevermind that it'd be a disaster for the nation, Dear Leader don't give a shit about the nation, all he cares about is spite and profit for himself and his cronies.

- Badtux the Tired Penguin


  1. I think commuted is better than pardoned, but I suspect Scooter will get pardoned before the end of this presidency. And, I agree with you about the possibility of bombing Iran. Bush needs a little more international support on that one, and I'm not sure he's going to get it.

  2. all he cares about is spite and profit for himself and his cronies.

    And bringing on the "End Times," which adding Iran to America's "War on Terror" could very well accomplish.

    (Love your avatar!!)

  3. Outrage fatigue. Perfect term for it. I'd ask if the Chimp in Chief could actually be stupid enough to start something with Iran (or N. Korea for the matter), but then I'd look stupid. He's completely barmy. Very little he could do at this point would surprise me. If not him, then some other oval office idiot because the American government simply can't mind its own business. But how much does all this really matter when you consider the race to turn this country into either the United States of China or the Northern Mexican Territories?

  4. And short of impeachment, which ain't happenin' as long as eleven Republicans don't bolt to the Democratic Party in the Senate (I am counting Joe Lieberman as a Republican), he ain't gettin' UN-electorated, so why should he care?

    I would also point out that their are more of us than there are of Chimp and Company. what do you think? would a Million Malcontent March get the job done? "Talkin 'bout a revolution..."

  5. I predict the Iran thing to happen this year, late summer. But, you might be on to something having it being closer to the elections.

    Regardless, unless our opposition party actually opposes something, anything this administration does. Even if they were to grow a pair, I still think Iran's in for it.

    Shame on us as a country for letting things get this bad.


  6. I believe it was The Onion, of all things, that gave us the phrase "liberal outrage fatigue." (Yes, you left the "liberal" out of it -- after all, you aren't a liberal. But I am, and it amounts to the same thing.) It was published as satire, but man, that shit turned out to be real. Just like that "nightmare of peace and prosperity" being over in 2001. Life in America imitates The Onion.

    If they bomb Iran...

    If they bomb Iran after everything that's happened so far...

    I don't know.

    I don't even want to think about that. But it can definitely happen.

    All I'll say is, the looks on the faces of all those neo-con hawks who are also Jewish, once they realize the fundey Christians they thought were their staunch allies are in fact their worst nightmare, ought to be entertaining, if only in a cheap manner...


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