Friday, July 29, 2005

Where did the Thursday penguin porn go?!

On Wednesday I got home to find that my Internet connection was dead.

Thursday morning I called the ISP. After all attempts to convince them that I was not getting any signal at the hub in the closet failed, they decided to send a technician out. He came out on Thursday afternoon, and discovered that (doh) there was no signal coming to my apartment. However, he apparently decided that the reason for this was that the embedded hub (in the wall, belonging to the ISP) was bad. Why he decided this, I don't know, because I plugged a switch of my own into the wire coming from his router down in the telcom closet at the end of the building, and got no signal there either.

So *finally*, at sometime between 5pm and 6pm today, he discovered the bad wire or whatever it was and got my Internet connectivity at home going (I could tell you exactly by looking at my web server logs -- I had my system at home attempting to ping my web server -- but there was no ping at 5pm, and there was a ping at 6pm, and I don't care enough).

So what does this have to do with penguin porn? Well, normal news and blogging is one thing. Doing that from hotspots, work, etc. is maybe a little iffy in some cases, but doable. But use the word "porn"? Uh uh. No way. Their filters would have shut me down in a millisecond.

So just consider this week's penguin porn to be yet another victim of the War on Fun, which has led to so many companies and Internet services imposing filtering in order to prevent, like, *fun* from happening. Hopefully next week I'll be able to give you a *double* dose of penguin porn! But for now, I think I'm just going to go downstairs and put Water Wetter into the radiator of my motorcycle in preparation for a nice little motorcycle ride tomorrow...

- Badtux the Porn-pushin' Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Grrr...That sucks. At least it's working, now, though. Twice the porn this coming week. That works for us. Purrr.


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