Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thursday Penguin Porn Blogging

In today's lesson about the evils of penguin porn, we hear about the sad case of Karla the Kitty. Karla was once upon a time a cute, carefree little kitty cat. Then one day she heard about this Internet thing, and stumbled across her first penguin porn. It became an obsession, where she browsed penguin porn every minute that her Human was at work. Until one day her human came home early... and her life as an innocent, carefree little kitty cat was changed forever.

So does this mean that I'm going to avoid posting more penguin porn in order to avoid corrupting cute little kitty cats like Karla? *Of course not!*. Today's penguin porn comes courtesy of the Transportation Security Administration. Seems that airport screeners at the Denver International Airport were suspicious of a strange package being carried by some suspicious characters. This package seemed to *move* as it was being carried. Suspicious of a herring-powered bomb, the screeners made the carriers of this package remove the contents of the package and pass it through screening. Here is the contents of the package passing through screening:

Now that the Penguins of Mass Destruction have been defused, I feel safer already!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

Cropped picture courtesy of NomadLife, as found via Google


  1. Those are the cutest little critters I ever saw. They're just adorable.

  2. There's a penguin porn every minute...

  3. That slide show was quite entertaining. So was the kitty picture. It did look like Karla was caught in the act of something.. surfing penguin porn..


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