Thursday, June 16, 2005

Thursday Penguin Porn Blogging

Sorry, no gay penguin porn today. Today's penguin porn is the rockhopper penguin, which lives on various islands in the South Atlantic. This penguin's most distinguishing feature is a set of eyebrows that would make Groucho Marx's look tame. They made it into the news most recently when a few hundred of them went on an unexpected voyage as they were kidnapped off their island and sold to zoos for thousands of dollars apiece. Here's an amorous pair engaged in foreplay:

Oh dear, they're getting it on in the nude right there in public! Yum!

- Badtux the Aroused Penguin


  1. Treacherous Penguin. No sooner do I become dependent on you for my weekly Gay Penguin Porn fix, when you take it away! You're like a crack dealer who suddenly withdraws the rock after you've gotten the neighborhood good and hooked. Curse you!

  2. You either need to make the image narrower or change the formatting of your blog to make the right-hand menu more flexible, because as it is, in my browser the picture is too wide to fit in so everything's getting thrown off.

  3. Are those penguins of legal age? If not, you could be in big trouble.

  4. Indeed. I hope this isn't kiddie penquin porn.

  5. Did somebody mention kitty porn?

    I promise you that all models used in our blog are at least 18 years old in dog years!

    - Badtux the Porn-purveying Penguin

  6. Ha ha ha - I love the intro A young man using the handle "flea" uploads a pornographic picture to an Internet "newsgroup". It happens an estimated 2000 times a day, but this time, it's different. The picture shows a naked six year old, who we will call Kathy, helplessly tied in thin blue yarn... and what is perhaps even more disturbing, the man distributing the picture is Kathy's legal guardian. To this date, no legal action has been taken and Kathy is still in the custody of "flea". Why has justice failed Kathy? Why has the law not intervened? to the Kitty Porn site.


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WARNING: You are entitled to create your own arguments, but you are NOT entitled to create your own facts. If you spew scientific denialism, or insist that the sky is purple, or otherwise insist that your made-up universe of pink unicorns and cotton candy trees is "real", well -- expect the banhammer.

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