Thursday, June 09, 2005

Thursday Penguin Porn Blogging

In yet more insidious news, that evil supervillain, The Gay Agenda, has zapped yet MORE penguins with his insidious superweapon the Evil Gay Laser Beam of Gayness. I have put in a call to that righteous superhero, Jerry Falwell, asking him to jump into his Godmobile and go save those poor penguins Wendell and Cass from a lifetime of sodomy and sin via his superpowers of Bible Thumping and Fatuous Oration, but thus far have not seen hide nor hair of him. Perhaps he is busy arming poor defenseless Fetus-Americans??

In the meantime, here are those poor innocent penguins, frolicking naked as the day they were born, nude on the beach:

Yum! (Oh dear, I am a bad penguin, aren't I?!)

-- Badtux the Aroused Penguin


  1. you knwo, when they're wet they look like they're wearing latex. I'm aroused now too.

  2. It's all good and healthy for penguins to experiment when they're young, as long as they come back to Christ.


  3. They are some cute nekked penguins, for sure.

  4. I wish I hadn't seen that picture. Now I'll ge those dreams again.

    Damn you, Tennesee Tuxedo! Damn you to hell!


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