Thursday, June 30, 2005

The evils of penguin porn

Karl was a penguin. Karl was using his laptop to browse penguin porn. Now Karl is a flat penguin, after Karl, intent upon getting a closeup view of the porn, stepped onto the keyboard of his offended laptop which then snapped closed on him.

Thus illustrating the evils of penguin porn. This blog has been the cause of more flattened penguins than any other site on the Internet. Well, other than perhaps that evil supervillain, The Gay Agenda, who has been busily forcing penguins to be gay, which arguably is a worse evil than causing them to be flat.

So will I continue purveying penguin porn, knowing that it causes my waddling cohorts in herring adoration to become flat? Why... YES! The only question in my mind is what to post. Oh dear, so much porn, so little time...

So without further ado, here is some *HARDCORE* penguin porn:

-- Badtux the Pornography Penguin


  1. Uhhh... well... ho-kay.....

  2. The link seems to be broken. Tantalizingly so, I might add.

  3. Not broken anymore. And it IS hardcore!

  4. Mein Gott, It looks like that dastardly Gay Agenda doesn't only target penguins anymore! He just zapped two entire countries with the Gay Laser of Gayness, turning them both gayer than the Gay Mayor of Gaytown! (In fact, the next step will be to rename every town in Canada and Spain "Gaytown.") The horruh, the horruh! Won't someone think of the children????

  5. Think of the children? Get away from me, thou foul pedorast! For shame, for shame. At least all of my penguin models are at least 18 years of age (in penguin years)!

    - Badtux the Pornography Penguin

  6. Get away from me, thou foul pedorast!

    Hey man, I'm not Catholic. :P

  7. Ha - you pornography penguin, you!

    If Karl was reading your blog and looking at YOUR pictures, YOU are liable. If he died, I hope his family pursues YOU. You do realize that they can find out what site he was last visiting when this horrible occurance happened?

    I wonder how much a penguin funeral would cost?


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